Friday, January 8, 2016

Ringing in the New Year in Oak Brook

 Unusual mansard roof on rambling ranch in Oak Brook that really went on forever

Basement had the obligatory pool table

But the huge lighted landscape picture was unique:

You could tell this was a top dollar house in its heyday, but totally outdated today.
Long colorful hallway with foil wallpaper....

A shag rug that might be hiding Jimmy Hoffa.....


Not shown is the indoor pool...

Managed to find a few decent items like this bakery painting:

I suspect these folks were in the baking business since I had seen commercial trays in the garage....

And this fat French cookbook from 1950 is pretty special. Nice that it still has the jacket (though torn - a torn jacket is better than no jacket)

So not a bad sale to start the year.

This sale was presented by Remember That